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Everyone benefits from GS1 standards

Whether online or in the shop - GS1 standards form the data basis for retailers and brands and thus support large and small companies in their daily business.

Detailed information on various areas of the consumer goods industry:

Our standards and services enable a reliable, complete and globally unique identification of products, objects, locations or services as well as the smooth exchange of data across companies. Better data form the basis for better service to your customers.

In addition, the cross-company ECR standards (e.g. category management) create a framework for standardising processes at the operational level and making them transparent and effective.

The value networks of consumer goods are complex. They range from suppliers to various service providers and manufacturers, to wholesalers, retailers and specialist retailers or digital marketplaces. Downstream processes such as resale, recovery and recycling are also an important part of the holistic view of a value chain. 

Jonas Batt
Head of Industry Engagement Consumer Goods/Retail

We support you throughout the network in achieving these goals:

Korrekte Daten

 quality, product and process relibility


optimal availability


 effective, efficient and cost-effective processes


 lowest possible waste of resources


automated data collection and use


counterfeit protection

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