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Holistic supply chain management 

Supply chain management (SCM) is the professional management of all processes along the supply chain - from the upstream supplier to production and trade and all the way to the consumer or user and recycling. SCM  also includes the flows of goods, information and values.

In order to implement SCM as holistically as possible for all parties involved, yet cost-effectively and effectively, we try to standardise as many processes, interfaces, formats, and solutions as possible. In doing so, we are guided by the standards of GS1, ECR and the common process standards.

A prerequisite for the efficient and effective establishment of supply chains is a common understanding among the players - both internally and across companies. The interests of the entire operation must also be taken into account.

The various opportunities for further training in the area of supply chain management provide the necessary knowledge to understand the interrelationships, develop strategies, optimise processes and sub-processes or plan new ones.

GS1 Switzerland is the ideal and industry-neutral enabler for an open, cross-company supply chain and has been expanding its global reach as well as its local anchoring for decades.

Every innovation in our standardisation system occurs without affecting existing applications. This creates investment security. GS1 Switzerland promotes the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of modern supply chains.

Jonas Batt
Head of Industry Engagement Consumer Goods/Retail

Your benefits


More efficiency

Weniger Kosten

Less costs


Satisfied consumers


Globally valid standards


Large network

Best Practice

Best Practices

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