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Taking off in online retailing

In omni channel commerce, the aim is to achieve a complete fusion of the various available sales channels in order to provide the shopper with an end-to-end shopping experience. Customers are addressed where they are. Thanks to more information about the shoppers, they can be provided with individually suitable offers.

Omnichannel retailing is the reaction to the shopping behaviour of today's shoppers. They no longer buy only online or offline; they use all channels, sometimes even simultaneously. The individual sales channels are increasingly merging into touchpoints in a common shopping environment that surrounds the consumer. The concept of omnichannel retailing is concerned with giving shoppers exactly what, when, how, and where they want it. 
This increases the complexity and cost of processes and systems and poses significant challenges for companies moving towards omnichannel retailing. When implementing this, it is crucial to link the individual channels in such a way that the company's internal synergies can be optimally used in the individual processes. This is the only way that a seamless, cross-channel buying process can be made possible for the shopper. In order to strategically and culturally achieve a holistic anchoring with all upstream and downstream processes, adjustments to the organisation and a cultural change towards an omnichannel culture are necessary.

Marilyne Filliger (Brönnimann)
Lead Competence Center Category Management
Automatisierte Systeme

Automated systems




Cost savings


Increased efficiency



Optimal data management with GS1 standards

A decisive success factor in the design of processes is the focus on the shopper and, not least, optimal data management. 

For omnichannel retailing concepts, the supply chain and logistics must meet high requirements in terms of flexibility, speed and precise inventory management. The flows of goods and information must be synchronised throughout the entire supply chain in order to ensure automatic disposition and optimised "last mile". In addition, flawless master data that is available at all times on all channels is necessary for analyses and interactions in real time. Open and global standards are the basis for this.

GS1 Switzerland provides added value with ECR 

GS1 Switzerland combines omnichannel retailing with the topic of ECR (Efficient Consumer Response). Category management subjects the arrangement of the product range to a structured and permanent process that consistently aligns the offered products with the needs and wishes of the shopper. 
GS1 Switzerland offers various further training courses in category management. 

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