GS1 Switzerland Expert Groups
Specialists meet in GS1 Switzerland's expert groups to jointly solve update-related tasks for specific topics and to exchange experiences. Specialist groups are convened for an unlimited period of time. The results are made available to GS1 members in the form of specialist publications, market analyses and studies or best practices.
Our current specialist groups:
Using GS1 standards and taking into account collaborative approaches, various processes in category management are optimised and standardised. The result is a common and holistic understanding of the process.
Bell Food Group AG, Marco Christen
Emmi Schweiz AG, Chiara Iten, Bernhard Egger
Hilcona AG, Simone Brosy
Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz AG), Alain Dalucas
Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz AG), Florence Benguerel
Mepha Schweiz AG, Kaspar Schertenleib
Orell Füssli Thalia AG, Jessica Kramme
SodaStream Switzerland AG, Christoph Häflinger
Migros Supermarkt AG, Chantale Ryf
Mövenpick Holding AG, Steffen Rutter
Spar Management AG, Nicolas Ammann
Spar Management AG, Stephan Kaenel
Transgourmet Schweiz AG, Pierre-Yves Kolly
Unilever Schweiz GmbH, Florian Schwarz
Volg Konsumwaren AG, Ruedi Abderhalden
Wander AG, Patrick Zahnd
The members of the specialist group develop manuals and recommendations that take into account the special features and current developments in e-commerce. They help to further develop and consolidate the GS1 system and standardised processes with the involvement of the market players.
Asmas Verband Sportfachhandel Schweiz, Peter Bruggmann
ATS-Tanner Banding Systems AG, Thomas Weber
Brütsch/Rüegger Werkzeuge AG, Daniel Iordache
Chris Sports AG, Christoph Luginbühl
Die Schweizerische Post, Lombris Stephan
Die Schweizerische Post, Philippe Mettler
Digitec Galaxus, Oliver Rinderknecht
Digitec Galaxus, Simon De Toffol
EM - Elektro Material AG, Pascal Willi
Goldener das Modehaus, Diego Goldener, Patrick Kessler
Hilcona AG, Simone Brosy
Hilcona AG, Kristian Kubli
Hilcona AG, Patrick Schweizer
ISA Bodywear, Christian Sallmann
Läderach AG, Remo Gisler
Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG, Nina Willi
Manor AG, Silvia Auerswald
Meier Tobler AG, Heinz Bösiger
Microspot / Interdiscount, Daniel Augustin
Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Philipp Schnell
Nestlé, Sebastian Polzer
Nestlé, Tobias Brand
Orell Füessli, Martin Jenny
Vanderlande Distribution, Peter Spycher
Vogel Group, Bernhard Bärtschi
Wander AG, Corinne Marti
Unilever Schweiz GmbH, Marco Matti
Universität Fribourg, Prof. Dr. Dirk Morschett
The members of the GS1 Supply Chain Management Pharma Specialist Group develop manuals and application recommendations that facilitate and promote the digitalisation of the pharmaceutical supply chain. This includes topics such as identification and labelling of medicines, master data exchange, counterfeit protection of medicines and the handling of clinical studies with the GS1 standard.
Bacthera AG, Mirza Bidzevic
Bayer Schweiz AG, Marcel Menzi
Kantonsapotheke Zürich, Ulrike Dannecker
Galexis, Joachim Schuppe
Kantonsspital Aarau AG (GSASA Vertreter), Isabelle Stäger
Mepha Pharma AG, Ivankovic Ivan
Roche Pharma Schweiz AG, Sabine Hottinger
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Witold Kryska
Universitätsspital Basel (GSASA Vertreter), Jörg Stockert
Voigt AG, Rafael Delle Fave
The expert group Supply Chain Management Consumables, Medical Devices and Objects (FG SCM VMO) is the successor to the specialist group Procurement in Healthcare (FG BiG), which was active between 2012 and 2019. The new committee FG SCM VMO is to promote and further develop the acceptance and implementation of the principles developed by the FG BiG. The FG SCM VMO focuses on and promotes the principles of digitisation - common semantics, common standards and interoperability.
B. Braun Medical AG, Adrian Michel
Cosanum AG, Patrick Wirz
Hirslanden AG, Eugenio De Biasio
IVF Hartmann AG, Edward Mulder
Kantonsspital Aarau, Thomas Binz
Kantonsspital Graubünden, Martin Zurburg
Kantonsspital Baselland, Seven Zoccolillo
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Philipp Büchner
Luzerner Kantonsspital, Philippe Linder
Mathys Ltd., Mathias Schaller
Medartis AG, Griner Stefanie
Medtronic (Schweiz) AG, Marc Lesniak
Mölnlycke Health Care AG, Curt Attardo
Roche Diagnostics (Schweiz) AG, Andreas Bättig
Solothurner Spitäler, Anna Caniglia-Schöni
Spital STS AG Thun, Martin Gut
Spitäler Frutigen Meiringen Interlaken AG, Martin Brunner
Universitätsspital Inselspital Bern, Nicolas Gfeller
Universitätsspital Zürich, Kollbrunner Alex
Universitätsspital Basel, Peter Zettel
Experts from trade and industry (consumer goods) meet in the Standards Expert Group to find solutions to update-related tasks in connection with the use of GS1 standards for the supply chain of the consumer goods industry, including PoS. If necessary, corresponding recommendations for Switzerland are developed. The expert group also discusses the global amendments in the GSMP process to the AIDC and EDI standards, insofar as these are relevant for Switzerland and the consumer goods industry. Decisions on national amendments to the EDI and AIDC are made within the framework of this expert group.
Bel Suisse SA, Alain Oster
Bell Schweiz AG, Jürgen Schmidle
Bell Schweiz AG, Michael Thüring
Brauerei Locher AG, Sepp Koch
Chemia Brugg AG, Mike Vogel
Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG, Ariana Dragusha
Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG, Leutrim Musa
Coop Genossenschaft, Simone Sporing
Coop Genossenschaft, Patrick Zuber
CSB-SYSTEM AG Schweiz, Otto Hunziker
ORIOR Management AG, Jochen Dinkel
Electrolux AG, Marco Sturm
Emmi Schweiz AG, Alessandro Mastrogiovanni
Emmi Schweiz AG, Stephan Schuler
Erbo AG, Livio Mutter
GS1 Switzerland, Jonas Batt
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt, Reto Siegenthaler
KAMBLY SA, Thomas Frey
Krummen Kerzers AG, Peter Krummen
Landi Schweiz AG, Eugster Thomas
Landi Schweiz AG, La Marra Dariano
Loeb AG Bern, Reto Maurer
Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG, Pascal Schwendener
Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG, Gabriele Caronia
Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Dominik Beetschen
Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Jangchup Tsechung
Post CH AG, René Tausendfreund
Swisscofel, Roger Maeder
Trisa Accessoires AG, Lukas Fischer
Valora Schweiz AG, Vanessa Nieto
Valora Schweiz AG, Cynthia Pacheco
Volg Konsumwaren AG, Janik Fuchs
Volg Konsumwaren AG, Mario Martins
Wander AG, Fredy Jäggi
Processes such as orders, inventory management or invoices only run smoothly if the master data is correct and can be processed automatically. The Master Data Specialist Group develops recommendations regarding master data along the entire supply chain - from the producer to the consumer.
A.Vogel AG, Kushtrim Musa
Bell Schweiz AG, Michael Thüring (Jan Schemmer)
Coca-Cola HBC Schweiz AG, Ariana Dragusha (Leutrim Musa)
Coop Genossenschaft, Matteo Calcio-Gandino (Sascha Noller)
CSB-SYSTEM AG Schweiz, Otto Hunziker
Doetsch Grether AG, Marcel Frei
Dr. Oetker AG, Fritz Müller
Eisberg AG, Aferdita Sokolaj
Emmi Schweiz AG, Stephan Schuler (Jürg Hofer)
Haco AG, Matthias Wüthrich
Herbert Ospelt Anstalt, Kletus Dörig
Hero AG, Fabian Fischer
Hilcona AG, Robert Fröschl
HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition Ltd, Tina Steinmann (Karin Bucher)
Hug AG, Renzo Smania (Thomas Gisler)
KAMBLY SA, Matthias Meyer
Lindt & Sprüngli (Int.) AG, Uwe Schieferstein
Lindt & Sprüngli (Schweiz) AG, Helga Peukert
Manor AG, Guido Helfenstein
Markant Syntrade Schweiz AG, Nadia Dahmane (Noelle Gähwiler)
Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Karin Kistler (Andreas Bettler)
Nestlé Suisse SA, Alexandre Furderer
Panella Frischgebäck AG, Daniel Moser
Procter & Gamble, Michael Kümmel
Ricola AG, Jochen Layer (Chunhong Lu)
SPAR Management AG, Thomas Wiebus (Daniel Beernink)
Storck (Schweiz) GmbH, Dorith Möbus (Tom Eric Schmidt)
Unilever Schweiz GmbH, Raphael Fischer
Valora Schweiz AG, Carsten Schultz
Wander AG, Fredy Jäggi (Murielle Stauffer)
The challenges in healthcare are manifold: traceability, anti-counterfeiting and patient safety are top priorities in the healthcare supply chain. Master data plays a key role in this. The Master Data Expert Group maintains and sharpens the information profile for the sector, coordinates new requirements and develops recommendations with regard to master data. The results flow back into the development of the standards and also the firstbase healthcare solution.
Anandic Medical Systems AG, Patrick Fehrlin (Sophie Sutter)
B. Braun Medical AG, Adrian Michel
Cosanum AG, Patrick Wirz
Hirslanden AG, Mathias Höpfner (Frau Thao Tran)
Insel Gruppe AG, Simon Zingg (Nadine Wasem)
IVF HARTMANN AG, Annette Loosen (Franziska Diggelmann)
Johnson & Johnson AG, Sabrina Cassata
Kantonsspital Aarau, Alexander Volmar (Thomas Binz)
Kantonsspital St. Gallen, Jerry van Neijenhof
Kantonsspital Winterthur, Cornelia Menges
Luzerner Kantonsspital, René Zimmermann
Mathys AG, Mathias Schaller
Medtronic GmbH, Marc Lesniak (Marc van den Camp)
Mölnlycke Healthcare, Curt Attardo
Roche Diagnostics (Schweiz) AG, Mirco Hofer (Stefan Kenel)
Universitätsspital Basel, Thomas Schaffer (Kevin Zimmermann)
Universitätsspital Zürich, Jens Gebauer
The members of the expert group jointly evaluate the needs and current challenges of the various marketplace participants. The aim is to produce white papers and recommendations that highlight the special features and current developments for marketplace operators, suppliers, brands and sellers/re-sellers, as well as logistics providers. These are intended to support the further development and consolidation of the GS1 system and standardized processes with the involvement of all players in line with requirements.
Amazon, Giovanni Schiesari
A. Vogel Group, Bernhard C. Baertschi
A. Vogel Group, Elena Burger
Chris Sports AG, Christoph Luginbühl
Die Schweizerische Post, Kaspar Küng
Digitec Galaxus, Oliver Rinderknecht
Digitec Galaxus, Simon De Toffol
Die Schweizerische Post, Philippe Mettler, Bernhard Egger
Fruugo Ltd., Gara Fergal
Google, Matthias Wiesmann
GS1 Global, Arnaud Bonnefoy
Just Eat, Lukas Streich
Manor AG, Yves Latrubesse
Nestle Suisse SA, Tobias Brand
ILS Schweiz, Peter Spycher
Zalando, Martina Eckardt
The swissDIGIN (swiss Digital Invoice) specialist group promotes the electronic exchange of invoices between companies (e-invoicing for short) in Switzerland.
It is actively committed to simplifying interfaces, creating transparency and reducing the hurdles in electronic invoice exchange. The swissDIGIN expert group arose from the initiative of the FHNW as a university representative, which was founded in 2004 together with well-known companies and players from the federal administration. You can also find out more about swissDIGIN on the website swissDIGIN
Abacus Research AG, Yvo Aemisegger
Cosanum AG, Patrick Wirz
CSB-SYSTEM AG Schweiz, Otto Hunziker
Descartes STEPcom AG, Marcel Hangartner
Verein eCH, Dominik Jenzer
Innflow AG, Thomas Hottinger
io-market AG, Jean-Daniel Andrey
Lyreco Switzerland AG, Marc Schwander
Pagero Switzerland AG, Robert Schulz
PENTAG Informatik AG, Alain Geiger
PostFinance AG, Adrian Sem
Proffix Software AG, Cornelia Baumann
Quadient Switzerland AG, Oliver Rauschil
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG – Conextrade, Mike Fäh
The digital product passport offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their market position and gain the trust of their customers by demonstrating the transparency and sustainability of their products. In order to create a common basis for a future industry solution for the global exchange of sustainable product master data for the construction and property industry industry, a dialogue was held with Swiss GS1 members such as CRB, BdCH/bSCH, buildup and and several representatives of construction product manufacturers, the establishment of a GS1 specialist group was agreed.
arounData consulting, Nadim Georges Wardé
BAUHAUS Fachcentren AG, Simone Gössling
buildup AG, Dani Küchler
CRB, Roger Staub
CRB, Louis Werthmüller
Creabeton AG, Patrick Horst
ETIM Schweiz, Nicloas Batas-Bjelic
Feller AG, Livio Realini
HG Commerciale, Patricia Wydra
IMUB AG, Hans Rudolf Hauri
Itten+Brechbühl AG, Arnaud Paquier
Metal Suisse, Andreas Steffes
öbu, Alberto Cerri
Post CH AG, Josef Himmelsbach
Rigips AG, Severin Hartmeier
Rigips AG, Benno Kündig
Saint-Gobain Weber AG, Kevin Triozzi
SBB AG, David Gerner
Sika Service AG, Conradin Hürlimann
swisspor AG, Laurent Caillère
Woodpecker Group AG, Philipp Leibundgut