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We accompany you step by step

Establish the foundation for successful and sustainable category management (CM) with us. We advise, support and accompany you impartially and independently.

Together with you, we develop solutions to fully exploit your CM potential to the full satisfaction of your company and your shoppers. 

We would be pleased to advise you on the following topics:

  • Establishment of classic category management and its implementation in the organisation
  • Implementation of the 8-step process according to ECR
  • Implementation and/or support of specific CM projects
  • Moderation and implementation of strategic coordination between retail and industry
  • Generation of shopper insights
  • Evaluation of categories
  • Optimisation of the marketing mix
  • Online CM and management of touchpoints along the customer journeys
Marilyne Filliger (Brönnimann)
Lead Competence Center Category Management

Analyse your company's CM online 

Are you still at the very beginning with CM or are you unsure where further potential could lie in your organisation? In this case, we recommend that you carry out our CM maturity analysis. Determine the CM maturity level of your company with our free digital self-test and compare the results within your industry. Based on various CM success factors, the free tool determines the maturity level of CM in your company for both manufacturers and retailers and submits initial concrete recommendations for action based on the results. 

Learn more about these topics: