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One standard for all

Standards are omnipresent in our lives. They accompany us at every turn. In logistics, they support the exchange of goods and services and reduce trade barriers. As a common language worldwide, they ensure compatibility, transparency and cost efficiency.

GS1 standards are the basis for global, transparent and efficient supply chains. They enable the worldwide shipment-accompanying, automated exchange of data. The GS1 building blocks ensure smooth logistics in all its application types. They also support business optimization. The right goods are in the right place at the right time. The result: smooth production processes, satisfied customers and sustainable efficiency.

GS1 identification keys, including Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) or Global Location Number (GLN) enable unique identification and referencing to physical units such as products, packages, transport units, returnable containers and company locations.

With the associated GS1 communication standards (EANCOM and GS1 XML), the necessary information is exchanged in parallel to the flow of goods in the form of electronic messages in real time between the individual companies. Advance information is now a basic requirement of modern logistics applications.

The versatile training opportunities in the field of logistics provide the necessary knowledge to understand the interrelationships, to develop strategies, to optimize processes and sub-processes or to plan new ones.

Heinz Graf
Senior Standards Expert
Jan Eberle
Head of Industry Engagement Logistics

Your benefit at a glance


More efficiency

Weniger Kosten

Less costs


Satisfied customers


Globally valid standards


Large network

Best Practice

Best Practice

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