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Standard article number replaced with 2D data carriers

The SAN (Standard Article Number/Standard Number) is a specific four-digit identification for variable-quantity fresh produce. However, GS1 recommends the use of the globally unique GTIN together with a 2D data carrier instead of the SAN.

DThe most common variant is "standard article number + price"

GS1 Switzerland maintains a standard number catalogue for variable-quantity consumer units for

  • meat and fish products
  • dairy products
  • fruit and vegetables 

The standard article numbers are available to you as an Excel table and as a PDF. You can thus check at any time whether a 4-digit identification already exists for your variable-quantity article.

Since 2018 no new standard numbers have been assigned.

Your benefits


cross-industry and global standard


specific inventory management


international solution


tracking for fresh products

GS1 recommends the use of the globally unique GTIN instead of the SAN. Unfortunately, not all market participants are yet able to process the required alternative symbologies - GS1 DataBar and GS1 DataMatrix.

If you intend to use one of the two variants, you should definitely contact GS1 Switzerland in advance. We will be happy to help you find the best solution for you.

Example with GS1 DataBar

Example with GS1 DataMatrix