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Demonstrate your GS1 competence with the Solution Partner Programme

You have already integrated the GS1 standards, our processes and projects into your service portfolio. As a Solution Partner of GS1 Switzerland, you can communicate your competencies more directly and prominently to the market and gain access to an international network of experts.

At exclusive events and meetings, you can exchange ideas with other programme partners and always receive the latest information from us about developments in the GS1 world. 

Not only the Swiss market is open to you: Within the framework of a close cooperation with GS1 Germany and GS1 Austria, the members of the Solution Partner Programmes of the three countries can participate in events and working groups of the respective other GS1 member organisations. The aim is to bundle the activities in the countries and thus create even more advantages for the Solution Partners.

Become a GS1 Switzerland Solution Partner now

We look forward to receiving your application. If you have any questions, please contact solutionpartner@gs1.ch

Our services at a glance



Access to the GS1 Switzerland network [check-orange]
Access to the latest developments around GS1 standards, processes and projects [check-orange]
Access to expert committees of GS1 Switzerland, GS1 Germany and GS1 Austria


Free participation in exclusive events for solution partners of GS1 Switzerland, GS1 Germany and GS1 Austria


Two free half-day workshops on GS1 basic knowledge and strategic GS1 topics per sector


Exclusive sponsorship and exhibitor offer for the GS1 Excellence Day

Possibility to publish a success story for your visibility in the market [check-orange]

Topic-related participation in GS1 Switzerland pilot projects


Annual discount on sponsorship

Use of the GS1 Switzerland Solution Partner Logo [check-orange]
  • GS1 membership with or without system use; 
  • GS1 standards, recommendations and projects are integrated in the service portfolio.
  • Efforts to disseminate GS1 standards, recommendations and projects in the market are evident
Your annual fee (excl. VAT) CHF 2500.00

Benefit from a discount as a start-up company

As a start-up company, you will receive a 20% discount on the annual membership fee for the first two years as a Solution Partner. In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, however, you must prove that your company was founded no more than five years ago (according to the entry in the commercial register) and that you offer a novel product and/or an innovative service.

The main advantages

Wertvolles Netzwerk

Valuable network of GS1 Switzerland, GS1 Germany and GS1 Austria

At several meetings and exclusive events you will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other partner associations of GS1 Switzerland, GS1 Germany and GS1 Austria. At the GS1 Excellence Days practice day, which you can attend free of charge, you can network beyond the Solution Partner Programme in the GS1 Switzerland environment.

Kostenloser Zugang

Free access to GS1 knowledge

Thanks to free workshops, free participation in the GS1 Excellence Days practice day and topic-related participation in pilot projects or expert committees, you gain direct access to a wide range of GS1-related topics and can actively contribute to their further development.


Prominent presence

As a GS1 Switzerland Solution Partner, you are prominently represented on our web platform and may use the exclusive GS1 Solution Partner logo for your marketing and communication measures.