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GS1 standards replace manual labour

The importance of master data constantly increases in the age of digitalisation. It plays an increasingly important role for both business partners and consumers. In companies, consistent and comprehensive master data facilitates all processes along the supply chain. Master data supports sales across all sales channels and is the basis for smooth e-commerce and hyper-connected platforms.

Whether shopping online or offline, consumers today expect reliable and complete product information. The quality of the product master data is therefore critical in determining whether the interest in a product will result in a decision to purchase.

Complete, correct, up-to-date, and unambiguous information on products is a prerequisite for optimal sales. However, products are not the only things that need to be uniquely identified in the supply chain: For true transparency, pick-up ramps, containers, fixed assets and assets, for example, also require identification according to GS1 standards.

Master data is worth its weight in gold. It simplifies many logistical processes by transmitting the right information about products and allowing downstream processes to be automated. Master data is useful for  information, protection against fraud, health and safety. It is real capital that is becoming increasingly important, especially in electronic processes, automation and the Internet.

That is why GS1 data services such as the GS1 Registry or the master data network Global Data Synchronisation Network (GDSN) or national solutions such as trustbox are becoming increasingly important. All GS1 data services are based on the GS1 identification keys and the associated master data and thus ensure the integrity of the GS1 system worldwide.

GS1 Switzerland expands its existing solution portfolio with a product data exchange platform for master data. Here you can find more information 

Cornelia Willutzki
Senior Standards Expert GS1 System

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