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Your key to success

With your GS1 Switzerland membership, you have access to the GS1 system and can uniquely identify your products globally and make important product information available to all your business partners in a standardised form.

Anyone who wants to introduce a new product to the market must make preparations. This includes the identification of every product and every product variant, worldwide and without overlaps. The GS1 system offers reliable solutions, comprising identification keys, standardised data carriers and communication standards.

The cost of membership is calculated based on the annual worldwide sales of the company. There is an annual surcharge for the use of the GS1 system, which is calculated on the same basis.

  • Current GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) existing?
  • Products quantity
  • Turnover
  • Result
Do you already have a GS1 Company Prefix (GCP) with which you can create GS1 identification numbers?


Info: GS1 Company Prefix (GCP)

The GS1 Company Prefix is the basis for the GS1 identification keys. These include, for example, the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) for products, the Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) for logistics units and the GLN (Global Location Number) for locations. They enable unique identification worldwide.

In Switzerland, you can only obtain the GS1 Company Prefix as a member of GS1 Switzerland. You can find your GCP in the confirmation mail or with the help of "Verified by GS1". 

Membership without GS1 system

If you don't need the GS1 system but would still like to benefit from the knowledge and network of GS1 Switzerland, apply for membership without use of the system.

As a GS1 member, you benefit from numerous services:


Optimise the value chain
The GS1 standards and process recommendations make your work easier. You become part of a worldwide network and benefit from the experience of other companies.


First-hand knowledge
You have access to our expertise around the GS1 system, logistics, supply chain, and demand management.

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Learn logistics
Take advantage of our educational programmes in logistics and supply chain management. Qualified and experienced lecturers communicate professional expertise in a practical manner.


Let us advise you
If you would like to ensure the traceability of your products and need support with the introduction of the GS1 standards, we would be pleased to help.


Share experiences
Visit our events on current topics. Make new contacts and share important experiences.


You benefit from numerous discounts on educational programmes, publications and events.