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Standardised communication with

EANCOM and GS1 XML are standards of the GS1 organisations for electronic data exchange. An integral part of both message standards is the GS1 identification system, which uniquely identifies partners and their goods. 

EANCOM is based on the global and cross-industry UN/EDIFACT standard of the United Nations. As a subset, EANCOM contains all (mandatory) components of the EDIFACT standard and is limited to the data elements that are important for business processes in the consumer goods industry and related economic sectors. 


Similar to EANCOM, GS1 XML is a standard for electronic data exchange. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is a markup language for representing structured data. GS1 XML can also be used to exchange business messages such as purchase orders, shipping notifications or invoices.

Thanks to the fact that XML is used worldwide for Internet-based applications and software products, it benefits small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Users need to focus less on technical formalities and more on content. Numerous companies have therefore opted for GS1 XML in electronic data exchange.

The partners involved in the Swiss healthcare industry use GS1 XML. The specialist group BiG (Procurement in Healthcare) has defined six Ideal Messages for the healthcare industry. The standard follows the globally valid GS1 specifications. 


Similar to EANCOM, GS1 XML is a standard for electronic data exchange. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language and is a markup language for representing structured data. GS1 XML can also be used to exchange business messages such as purchase orders, shipping notifications or invoices.

Thanks to the fact that XML is used worldwide for Internet-based applications and software products, it benefits small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Users need to focus less on technical formalities and more on content. Numerous companies have therefore opted for GS1 XML in electronic data exchange.

The partners involved in the Swiss healthcare industry use GS1 XML. The specialist group BiG (Procurement in Healthcare) has defined six Ideal Messages for the healthcare industry. The standard follows the globally valid GS1 specifications. 

Identification as a basis

The basis for EANCOM and GS1 XML is the unique identification of products with the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) and partners with the Global Location Number (GLN). Many applications such as the Global Synchronisation Network (GDSN) rely on EANCOM and GS1 XML.

As a member of GS1 Switzerland, all identification keys for the use of EANCOM or GS1 XML are available to you.


Advantages of EANCOM & GS1 XML 

Senken der Kosten

Reduce costs

Beschleunigen der Prozesse

Accelerate the processes

Erhähung der Übertragungssicherheit

Increase the transmission security


Enable master data exchange