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A common language  

GS1 Switzerland is part of the GS1 organisation, which is present in over 116 countries worldwide. We are passionate about optimising the flow of goods, values and information in order to increase the efficiency of the economy and improve people's quality of life on a daily basis.

Together with committed representatives from trade, industry, healthcare and many other companies, we develop standardised solutions and actively support their implementation. We provide the necessary expertise in logistics, supply and demand management and actively promote the networking and collaboration of all parties involved. 

Our aim is to ensure that all value creation networks utilise optimal, standardised flows of goods, values and information.


Annual Report

Executive Board

Working with us


Our promise to you - a common language

Nomen est omen. What it says on the label is what it contains: The GS1 standards are the common language of business that allows us to communicate with each other worldwide, to understand each other, to work together and to make life safer, easier and more cost-effective for everyone. Over two million members worldwide already use GS1 standards.

We join forces for you

GS1's idea of simplifying the flow of goods, values and information with standards originated over 50 years ago in the consumer goods industry. It is this sector in which GS1 is traditionally most firmly anchored. This is also the case in Switzerland. For some time now, however, we have also been applying the knowledge and valuable experience we have gained in the consumer goods industry to other sectors.

Our work focuses on four sectors:

GS1 Global

GS1 Switzerland is part of the global GS1 network based in Brussels and Princeton.GS1 Global is the umbrella organisation for national GS1 member organisations and coordinates global GS1 activities.Over 116 member organisations with more than 2,500 employees in more than 150 countries are part of GS1.

The keys to your success:


Neutral and not for profit


With the members for the members


Global & local


Integrative & collaborative